Saturday 10 December 2011

Alternative wedding bouquets

Since my wedding I keep coming across dresses I would have preferred, hairstyles that would have worked better, and now bouquets I would have LOVED if I'd come across them in time! So I'm going to share these to hopefully save someone else that annoyance!

Button bouquet €250 by LillyBudBouquets on Etsy

Leather flower ball €173 BloomRiver on  Etsy

Vintage Brooch Bouquet €242.00 MousePhotography on Etsy
Royal Wedding teardrop bouquet-LillyBud Bouquets on Etsy €490
Butterfly bouquet €230 My Haley Girl on Etsy

Bright designer bouquet Mattheppelstone on Etsy €728-ouch!

I realise these prices are ridiculous but there's absolutely no reason you couldn't copy these, vintage brooches and all, for a tiny fraction of the cost. They're just so cheery!